Check Out the New Consumer-Friendly Handouts Based on the Dietary Guidelines!

The Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion has added 5 new consumer-friendly handouts based on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025 to our Toolkit for Professionals. The new handouts take a life stage approach and reflect the science-based nutrition guidance in the current edition of the Dietary Guidelines. 

The Dietary Guidelines serves as the foundation for federal nutrition policies and programs and is implemented in a variety of settings across the United States. 

You can share these new consumer-friendly handouts with patients, clients, and community partners to encourage healthy eating across the lifespan: 

  • Build a Healthy Eating Routine When You’re Pregnant or Breastfeeding 
  • Build a Healthy Eating Routine for Your Baby (Birth to Age 2) 
  • Help Your Child Build a Healthy Eating Routine 
  • Build a Healthy Eating Routine as You Get Older 
  • Make Healthy Drink Choices 

Share these handouts with your community today!

Take advantage of all of the professional resources on — including recently added presentation slides for every life stage, colorful figures from the Dietary Guidelines, journal articles, print materials, and links to the Dietary Guidelines blog series. Use these tools to empower people to make healthy food and drink choices throughout the year!  

To get the latest information about the Dietary Guidelines and other nutrition news,  sign up for email updates. Together, we can promote the health of all Americans through healthy eating!

Categories: Blog, News & Announcements