Status: Baseline only
Most Recent Data:
hospitalizations for hip fractures per 1,000 adults
(2015) *
per 1,000
Desired Direction:
Decrease desired
hospitalizations for hip fractures per 1,000 adults aged 65 years and over occurred in 2015 *
* Age adjusted to the year 2000 standard population.
Reduce hip fractures among older adults
Data Source: Medicare Administrative Data, CMS
Hip fractures caused by osteoporosis can lead to serious health problems, and most of these fractures require hospitalization and surgery. Having a hip fracture can also increase the chance of a second fracture. Evidence has shown that osteoporosis screening is important for preventing hip fractures in women — and tracking the number of hip fractures can help determine if prevention efforts are working.
Topics: Osteoporosis, Older Adults, Women
Workgroup: Osteoporosis Workgroup