Goal: Make sure public health agencies at all levels have the necessary infrastructure for key public health services.

Public health infrastructure provides the necessary foundation for all public health services—from vaccinations to chronic disease prevention programs to emergency preparedness efforts. Healthy People 2030 focuses on creating a strong public health infrastructure. The Public Health Infrastructure objectives address high-performing health departments, workforce development and training, data and information systems, planning, and partnerships.
A strong public health infrastructure includes a capable and qualified workforce, up-to-date data and information systems, and agencies that can assess and respond to public health needs. While a strong infrastructure depends on many organizations working together, public health departments play a central role in the nation’s public health system. Federal agencies rely on a solid public health infrastructure in state, tribal, local, and territorial jurisdictions.
Objective Status
2 Target met or exceeded
3 Improving
3 Little or no detectable change
1 Getting worse
4 Baseline only
15 Developmental
13 Research