Reduce nonfatal physical assault injuries — IVP‑10 Data

Status: Little or no detectable change

  Little or no detectable change

Most Recent Data:
388.9 emergency department visits for nonfatal physical assault injuries per 100,000 population (2021) *

277.9 per 100,000  *

Desired Direction:
Decrease desired

496.7 emergency department visits for nonfatal physical assault injuries per 100,000 population occurred in 2017 *

Age adjusted to the year 2000 standard population.

Disparities data are only available for some selections.

View CI in the chart by hovering over a data point.

View SE in the chart by hovering over a data point.

Confidence Interval (CI) not available Standard Error (SE) not available Confidence Interval (CI) and Standard Error (SE) are not available

Emergency department visits for nonfatal physical assault injuries, 2017-2021 *
(emergency department visits for nonfatal physical assault injuries per 100,000 population)
Decrease desired

Population 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
CI 341.9 / 651.4
SE 78.943
CI 307.0 / 575.8
SE 68.568
CI 298.2 / 559.9
SE 66.764
CI 261.2 / 543.7
SE 72.075
CI 247.7 / 530.2
SE 72.080