April 2020

Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Updates: Final Protocols Now Available and New Release Date for Draft Report

The 2020 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee’s final systematic review protocols are now posted online at dietaryguidelines.gov. These protocols take into account input from the full Committee during its public meetings and public comments received throughout the Committee’s work. Each protocol provides the literature search strategy, the list of scientific articles included in the review, and the list of articles excluded after full-text screening, with at least one rationale for exclusion...

Learn When to Seek Emergency Care for Symptoms Not Related to COVID-19

Physical distancing is important to prevent the spread of COVID-19, but it is equally important that you monitor your health and know when to seek emergency medical care for serious symptoms that are not related to COVID-19. You may be concerned about going to a hospital or urgent care site during this outbreak, when many people are seeking care for coronavirus...

Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Schedule Extended One Month

The 2020 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee’s schedule has been extended by one month, in consideration of new demands on Committee members’ schedules due to COVID-19. USDA and HHS continue to plan for the release of the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans by the end of the year. Stay connected and receive updates on the Committee’s work at DietaryGuidelines...