Customize Move Your Way Resources Through the CDC State and Community Health Media Center

Move Your Way is the promotional campaign for the second edition of the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. Now, ODPHP is making it easy to customize Move Your Way resources through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) State and Community Health Media Center.

The Move Your Way campaign offers easy-to-understand physical activity resources in English and Spanish, including fact sheets, posters, videos, and interactive tools. Community organizations, municipalities, schools, public health organizations, health care systems, and individuals can use free Move Your Way resources to promote physical activity in their communities.

And now, for a small fee, you can use the Media Center to customize Move Your Way resources to your audience. Try adding your logo or choosing an image that better represents your community from the Media Center’s image library!

To get started, check out the customizable Move Your Way resources in the Media Center. Then watch this webinar to learn how other communities have implemented the Move Your Way campaign.

Categories: Blog