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Health Literacy

Check Out New MyHealthfinder Resources on Anxiety Screening


We’re excited to announce that MyHealthfinder now features 2 resources on anxiety disorder in adults. The new anxiety resources align with a final recommendation from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) showing that adults age 64 years and younger can benefit from screening to help identify anxiety disorders — so they can get the treatment they need.

December National Health Observances: HIV/AIDS Awareness and Flu Vaccination

NHO Spotlight

Each month, we feature National Health Observances (NHOs) that align with our mission to improve health across the United States. In December, we’re raising awareness about HIV/AIDS and the importance of getting a flu vaccine. We’ve pulled together some resources that you can use to promote these NHOs with your networks...

November National Health Observances: Diabetes, COPD Awareness, and Antibiotic Awareness

NHO Spotlight

Each month, we feature National Health Observances (NHOs) that align with our mission to improve health across the nation. In November, we’re raising awareness about diabetes, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), and antibiotic safety. We’ve pulled together some resources that you can use to promote these NHOs with your networks...