Healthy People Partnership Stories

Cancer Prevention and Healthy People 2030: Goals, Objectives, and Implementation

Healthy People 2030

On September 14 the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP) and the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) hosted the third installment of the Healthy People 2030 Webinar Series, Cancer Prevention and Healthy People 2030: Goals, Objectives, and Implementation.

K-State Research and Extension and Healthy People: Helping Kansans Access Nutritious Foods

Healthy People 2020.

This post describes how K-State Research and Extension, a Healthy People 2030 Champion ,contributed to progress toward Healthy People 2020 objectives—as well as Healthy People 2030 objectives under the social determinants of health domain Economic Stability.

Buffalo Prenatal Perinatal Network and Healthy People: Improving Maternal and Child Health by Empowering Clients

Healthy People 2020.

The post describes how Buffalo Prenatal Perinatal Network, a Healthy People 2030 Champion, contributed to progress towardHealthy People 2020 objectives—as well as Healthy People 2030 objectives in the social determinants of health domain Health Care Access and Quality.

May Is Older Americans Month: Elder Abuse Is a Social Determinant of Health

By Andy Mao, National Elder Justice Coordinator, U.S. Department of Justice This guest post is part of Healthy People in Action, a blog series highlighting how key partners use the Healthy People framework in their work, form cross-sector collaborations, and address social determinants of health to help achieve health equity...