Healthy People Partnership Stories

Association of State and Territorial Health Officials: Helping Public Health Agencies Improve Health Nationwide

The Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) is the national nonprofit organization representing public health agencies in U.S. states and territories, freely associated states, and the District of Columbia. That means it plays a major role in improving health and well-being nationwide — and it’s an ideal partner for Healthy People 2030. ASTHO and ODPHP work together toward their common goals through a cooperative agreement.

Promoting Breastfeeding Through Hospital Policy: The Indian Health Service’s Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative

Legal and policy approaches can be important tools for achieving healthier communities. A new report—The Role of Law and Policy in Assisting Families to Reach Healthy People’s Maternal, Infant, and Child Health Breastfeeding Goals in the United States—provides evidence-based information and identifies priority areas that can help communities achieve Healthy People objectives.