Healthy People

Healthy People 2030 Launches New Healthy People in States and Territories Page

Healthy People 2030

Healthy People 2030 is pleased to announce the publication of a new Healthy People in States and Territories web page. This new page provides an overview of the Healthy People State and Territorial Coordinators, a list and links for most recent available health improvement plans for all states, territories, and island jurisdictions, and links to relevant Leading Health Indicators. To learn more about states and territories work to make Healthy People happen every single day, please visit

Register Today for the next Healthy People 2030 Webinar “Injury and Violence Prevention Strategies for the LGBTQ+ Community”

Space is still available for the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion's (ODPHP) next webinar: Injury and Violence Prevention Strategies for the LGBTQ+ Community! This webinar will take place on Tuesday, September 19 from 1:00 to 2:00 pm ET. To register, please visit the Healthy People 2030 Webinar Series Registration page. Continuing Education Credits (CEs) are available for this webinar. Register today.

Reframing Aging

Health and Well-Being Matter. ODPHP Director RDML Paul Reed, MD.

In observance of Healthy Aging Month, Patricia D’Antonio, Executive Director for the National Center to Reframe Aging recently joined ODPHP Director Paul Reed for a discussion on the myriad ways we encounter, and even perpetuate, ageism in our everyday lives, and the importance of dispelling negative public perceptions of older adulthood and revisiting aging as not something that we “arrive at”, but rather a continuous process that we experience throughout our lifecycle.