Reduce the proportion of children and adolescents with active and untreated tooth decay — OH‑02

Status: Improving


Most Recent Data:
12.4 percent (2017-20)

10.2 percent

Desired Direction:
Decrease desired

13.4 percent of children and adolescents aged 3 to 19 years had active and currently untreated tooth decay in their primary or permanent teeth in 2013-16

Reduce the proportion of children and adolescents with active and currently untreated tooth decay in their primary or permanent teeth

Target-Setting Method
Percentage point improvement


Tooth decay is one of the most common childhood diseases. When it’s untreated, tooth decay can be so painful that children have trouble sleeping or miss school. It can also lead to infections that may spread to other parts of the body. Making sure more children and adolescents have access to oral health services can help reduce untreated tooth decay.

Workgroup: Oral Health Workgroup