Goal: Improve the health and well-being of adolescents.

Many behaviors that can affect health and well-being later in life start during adolescence. Healthy People 2030 focuses on helping adolescents stay safe and healthy.
Adolescents are at risk for many preventable health problems, including substance use disorders, sexually transmitted infections, and injuries from motor vehicle crashes. And there are disparities by race/ethnicity and family income.
Adolescents also experience many developmental changes that can affect their physical and mental health. Encouraging positive health behaviors — like getting preventive care, using birth control, and getting enough sleep — can help adolescents stay safe and healthy.
Objective Status
8 Target met or exceeded
9 Improving
20 Little or no detectable change
25 Getting worse
6 Baseline only
19 Developmental
13 Research
Related Objectives
The following is a sample of objectives related to this topic. Some objectives may include population data.