Healthy People

Northeast Business Group on Health: Helping Employers Prioritize Employee Health and Well-Being

Healthy People 2030

Northeast Business Group on Health (NEBGH) is a nonprofit coalition of health care stakeholders centered in and around New York City. NEBGH’s members include private- and public-sector organizations that provide health care benefits to employees — as well as other organizations interested in employee health, like labor unions and major health plans. 

The First Federal Measure of Overall Well-Being Is Here, but What Does It Mean?

Health and Well-Being Matter. ODPHP Director RDML Paul Reed, MD.

Healthy People 2030, tracks 8 Overall Health and Well-Being Measures (OHMs). Each represents a global outcome measure intended to assess the trajectory toward the Healthy People 2030 vision. OHM-01, the new well-being measure, is expressed as overall life satisfaction and reflects cumulative contributions of health and non-health factors. Now that the baseline for this measure of overall well-being is established, we can begin to evolve our understanding of it, and others like it and explore their implications more fully.

SDOH-R02 Recategorized to Healthy People 2030 Core Objective

Healthy People 2030

Each year core, developmental, and/or research objectives may be proposed for inclusion in Healthy People 2030. This helps ensure that the initiative remains relevant and reflects current public health priorities throughout the decade. Most recently, ODPHP has recategorized an important research objective to core status: Increase the proportion of the voting-age citizens who vote — SDOH‑07.

ODPHP Deputy Director Carter Blakey Appears on Public Health Review Morning Edition

Healthy People 2030

Recently, ODPHP Deputy Director Carter Blakey appeared on the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) news, announcements, and public health initiatives newscast Public Health Review Morning Edition to discuss the shared responsibility that is public health, and how Healthy People 2030 Champions are integral to making progress toward achieving the Healthy People 2030 vision.