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Community Playbook

Move Your Way Community Playbook

The Move Your Way® Community Playbook offers tips and resources to help community organizations implement the Move Your Way campaign at the local level. The Move Your Way campaign is the promotional campaign for the second edition of the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans and can help people live healthier lives through increased physical activity.

This playbook is an implementation guide — which means it will help you plan for, conduct, and evaluate your organization’s physical activity efforts, like programs, activities, and events. 

You can follow all the steps in the playbook to plan and run a communications campaign — which includes a series of activities and events and usually lasts for a set amount of time. Or you can pick and choose resources and tips that are most useful for your work — whether you’re planning an event, creating a new program, or expanding existing activities to promote physical activity in your community. Use the playbook and Move Your Way campaign materials to help people in your community get more active!

It’s a good idea to read through the entire playbook once to get a preview of all the tips and resources. Then use the table of contents to come back to specific sections when you need them.

Sign up for physical activity emails and follow us on Twitter @HealthGov and Facebook @HHSHealthGov for updates on campaign activities, including new materials and resources.

About the Playbook

Phase 1: Planning and Strategy Development

Phase 2: Implementation and Evaluation


Want to talk with others about Move Your Way? 

The Move Your Way Campaign LinkedIn community is a space for professionals to engage with each other, share ideas, and ask ODPHP questions — whether they’re already using Move Your Way or are looking to get started.

Join the LinkedIn community.

Want to print the playbook?

The playbook includes both web content and downloadable PDFs. If you want to print a copy of the entire playbook (both the web content and the PDF resources), it’s a 2-step process:

Interested in customizing materials for your organization? 
You can swap out photos or add your organization’s logo to Move Your Way materials through the CDC State and Community Health Media Center. If you have questions about using Move Your Way materials, want to create your own, or would like help implementing the campaign in your community, please contact us

Continue to About the Playbook

Move Your Way® and the Move Your Way logo are registered service marks of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.