During this phase, you’ll get tips for distributing Move Your Way® materials at schools, workplaces, health care facilities, and in other settings — and for promoting physical activity through social media and other channels. You’ll also find resources to help you host community events.
Evaluating your progress and successes is an important part of improving your efforts to promote physical activity over time. If you're running a campaign, regroup with your campaign team and any committees you’ve created at least every 1 to 2 months. That way, you can assess the campaign’s progress and decide what you want to do differently moving forward.
To see previous steps and activities, go back to Phase 1: Planning & Strategy Development.
Develop and disseminate materials
Think about your priority populations and the materials you need to engage them. Are you trying to reach older adults? Parents? Kids? People who are pregnant or recently had a baby?
Move Your Way has lots of free resources that are easy to print and distribute at events. Hand out Move Your Way posters and fact sheets to event attendees and local partners, like health care providers and schools. Find all the Move Your Way materials.
You can also customize Move Your Way materials through the CDC State and Community Health Media Center. For a small fee, you can add your lead organization’s logo to fact sheets and posters — and choose alternate versions with images showing different geographic locations and priority populations. Do you have questions about using Move Your Way materials or creating your own? Contact us
Work with your campaign team to identify:
- Which Move Your Way materials you want to use
- How you want to customize them
- Where you can distribute them
- How many copies of each material you need to print
- Think about how you can build Move Your Way into existing initiatives. Does your community focus on safe and active routes to schools? Consider how you could collaborate with that effort to promote physical activity.
- Take advantage of the places where people already gather! Farmers markets, food distribution sites, or even summer outdoor movies can be great opportunities to share information about Move Your Way.
- Don’t forget to add the Move Your Way Web Badges and Widgets
to your organization or campaign website to guide visitors to our Move Your Way Activity Planner and Move Your Way Parent Interactive Graphic.
- Try to gather feedback from your priority audience on materials you're developing before you distribute them. Participate in meetings your partners hold with your priority audience, and look for opportunities to engage attendees after the meeting ends.
- If you’re trying to engage Spanish-speaking audiences, make sure to provide Spanish versions of all materials at events and online.
- Follow the materials tasks in the Campaign Launch Task List [PDF - 947.74 KB] to stay on track as you select, customize, and distribute campaign materials.
- Check out the Brainstorm Implementation Strategies section for additional material distribution ideas.
- Use the Campaign Implementation Tracker [DOC - 121.12 KB] to record where you distribute materials, how many you give out, and how partners plan to use them. And don’t leave this for the end of your campaign — make sure to track as you go!
Host community events
Events are a great way to bring community members together and get people excited about physical activity. They're also an opportunity to network and meet new potential partners!
If you're running a campaign, aim to hold at least 3 community events in the months after your launch event. If you don’t have the capacity to host standalone events, try presenting about Move Your Way at existing community events, like health fairs or charity fundraisers.
Before all events, make sure to get the word out! Post on social media and reach out through all available channels — like local newspapers, TV and radio stations, and listservs — to make sure people know about your upcoming event and how they can get involved. You could also consider developing a calendar to highlight all the local events and activities you'll participate in and then share the calendar online through social media, in a newsletter, or on your website.
- You don’t have to start from scratch! Think about events that are already popular in your community, like festivals or celebrations. Working with the organizers of those events can create opportunities for sharing the campaign or offering a physical activity break.
- Keep track of all the people who attend your events. Gather email addresses from attendees who’d like to get updates about your physical activity programs and activities.
- Take lots of photos and videos of events — these are great to share on social media and send to partners and donors. (Don’t forget to get photo releases from the attendees! Add the release to your online event registration, or use paper forms at the registration table.)
- Ask attendees to record their goals on the Move Your Way Pledge Sheet
and share selfies with their pledges on social media.
- Share these Campaign Talking Points [PDF - 809.13 KB] with guest speakers at your events, local champions who attend events on your behalf, and anyone else who may speak in public about the campaign.
- Use this Intercept Interview Guide: How to Interview Event Attendees [PDF - 301.12 KB] to gather feedback and find out what attendees learned at your event. Interviews provide data to improve future events — and quotes help with promotion, too!
- Check out the Brainstorm Implementation Strategies section for a list of campaign event ideas.
Spread the word about your campaign
Get the word out to your community! Reach out to every available channel, including local TV and radio stations, newspapers, magazines, podcasts, blogs, and listservs. Ask them to cover your community events, pitch interviews with your campaign staff, or offer to write an op-ed about the importance of physical activity.
Make sure key community leaders and partners — like the mayor and other local leaders — are aware of your campaign. Keep them in the loop and share key talking points so they’ll be ready for any questions from the media or the public.
And think about how you can meet people where they are — whether that's at physical locations like a doctor's office or on a specific online platform like Facebook or YouTube.
Don’t forget about social media!
Use or adapt our sample social media content to help you spread the word about Move Your Way and encourage people to get active. You can quickly copy and paste the text into Twitter or Facebook and attach the related GIF or graphic. And it’s easy to add your logo to our graphics and GIFs through the CDC State and Community Health Media Center.
Consider doing a social media ad buy to draw even more eyes to your campaign. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter let you target ads to your audiences by age, location, interests, and more. And there’s no fixed cost for social media advertising, so you decide how much to spend.
Whether you’re planning an ad buy or focusing on non-paid social media, keep these best practices in mind:
- Know your objective for each priority audience, like increasing participation in sports among local teens.
- Pick the platform that’s most popular with each priority audience, like Instagram, YouTube, or Tik Tok for younger adults and Facebook for older adults.
- Add images and videos to your content to increase views.
If you’re looking for ways to encourage teens in your community to get involved, consider sharing this Tips for Creating Your Own Move Your Way® Teen Video fact sheet. It has tips to help teens record their own video about how they get moving — and explains how they can share their video on social media to spread the word.
- Follow our Tips for Promoting Move Your Way on Social Media.
- In addition to using #MoveYourWay, create a unique hashtag for your community campaign. That way, your local followers can easily find relevant posts.
- Add local flair to your posts. Mention local parks and rec centers to show people accessible places to get active.
- Start a Move Your Way social media challenge! Ask partners and followers to post photos and videos showing how they like to get active — and then challenge their friends and coworkers to do the same.
- Share your partners’ posts and resources, and don’t forget to tag them in your posts. This will help boost reach and engagement for both of you.
- Sign up for physical activity emails
and follow us on Twitter @HealthGov
and Facebook @HHSHealthGov
for updates on campaign activities — including new resources like sample social media messages that can help you spread the word about the campaign.
- Check out the Tips for Coordinating Social Media Promotion [PDF - 444.74 KB] to help your internal team and external partners successfully promote your campaign across social media platforms.
- Follow the media tasks in the Campaign Launch Task List [PDF - 947.74 KB] to stay on track as you promote your campaign through social media and other channels.
- Use these Campaign Talking Points [PDF - 809.13 KB] when you do media interviews, and share them with team members who serve as spokespeople.
Evaluate your challenges and successes
Remember to document your progress as you go and reflect on what worked and what didn’t. That way, you can tweak your ongoing efforts and improve your campaign strategy.
Think back to the goals and objectives you set in the planning phase of your campaign, and try to evaluate the success of each one. If you adjusted your goals along the way, make sure to update your evaluation plan, too.
After each event and at regular intervals throughout the campaign, make sure to document important information, like:
- How many community members attended each event (either in person or virtual)?
- How many of each campaign material did you and your partners distribute?
- How many people did you reach through each communication activity, like email newsletters or social media challenges?
At the end of your campaign, get together with everyone involved in your campaign to debrief your evaluation data, make plans for the future, and celebrate a job well done!
- At the end of each month, export analytics from Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to evaluate your social media efforts. And use Google Analytics to see how many people visited your website.
- Take a look at the number of impressions to see how many people viewed your social media posts, and look at engagements to understand how many people interacted with posts. Compare the impressions and engagements for all of your social media posts to see which posts performed the best — and consider replicating posts that performed well.
- Leverage your campaign evaluations to secure additional funding. Include process and outcome data in future grant applications and donation requests.
- Send your evaluation results to ODPHP! Your feedback can help improve the Move Your Way Community Playbook for use in future community campaigns.
- Get feedback from event attendees with the Intercept Interview Guide: How to Interview Event Attendees [PDF - 301.12 KB].
- Use the Campaign Implementation Tracker [DOC - 121.12 KB] to gather information about all your campaign efforts in one place.
Move Your Way® and the Move Your Way logo are registered service marks of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. HHS encourages organizations and individuals to download, print, and distribute Move Your Way materials. You can swap out photos or add your organization’s logo through the CDC State and Community Health Media Center. If you have questions about using Move Your Way materials or want to create your own, please contact us